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What the Digital Transformation Means for Your Agency Relationship

After several months of virtual client meetings, remote collaboration, and Zoom happy hours, there is one clear instigator of change in the marketing landscape. I’m not talking about a virus — I’m talking about the digital transformation.

Recent innovations in marketing — like Google’s use of AI technology to personalize ad hoc marketing messages — are emblematic of a broader shift toward a digitally integrated workplace. More globally, the events surrounding COVID-19 have only further revealed our reliance on tech — but the pandemic wasn’t the catalyst. Between 2005 and 2017, there was a 159% increase in remote work, due in large part to the expanding capabilities of technology.

For content marketers, this age of technology has altered the way we do business with one another and, most importantly, with our clients. The relationship between businesses and their agencies are constantly being reshaped by new forms of digital communication.

With the age of digital transformation in full motion (and showing no signs of decelerating), your content marketing agency should be prepared to support your priorities and adapt with your business.

Related: At the center of the digital transformation are the constant changes in the Google algorithm. See how it’s changed over the past 20 years.

Three Pillars of a Digital Workplace

1. Foresight

While the digital transformation has created tools to help businesses stay synchronized, the element of human organization and collaboration remains crucial. Genuine, intentional connections with clients are key — especially with videoconferences as a daily standard.

But with proper foresight and organization, the digital workplace can actually be more productive because everybody is hyperconnected. While that includes simple connections, like replying to emails in a timely manner, it also involves staying connected and consistent in your strategy. That means making sure your resources like editorial calendars and customer journey maps are aligned with your goals — or even that your marketing strategy is developed appropriately in the first place.

When your agency is aligned with your priorities, unfamiliar territory brought on by the digital transformation, like working from home, becomes less daunting and more exciting.

2. Flexibility

Harnessing the power of the digital transformation can seem like bridling a wild stallion. It can be difficult to tell what its next movement will be, and maybe (just maybe) it’s ultimately untamable. That’s why having the right reflexes is so important when adapting to the digitized workplace.

Working remotely the past few months has taught us an important lesson for moving forward as a digitally integrated agency: There is absolutely nothing promised in the market. As a result, you have to be light on your feet, because things can change with the flip of a switch.

Bottom line: If you anticipate change (because it will inevitably happen), diversify your skill sets, and keep your reflexes sharp, your marketing strategy can take advantage of the ever-changing landscape.

3. Culture

Making a graceful transition to the digital workplace lies in the essential human bonds that have long preceded COVID-19 or any other workplace turbulence. D Custom thrives on our office culture and the bonds we share with our clients — it’s part of our business model and helps to enable our success which, in turn, enables our clients’ success. Rather than rejecting unfamiliarity, embrace it with empathy, patience, and teamwork. As a result, the bonds that unite us as a team are only strengthened in the face of adversity.

Thriving during the digital transformation calls for a strong bond between a business and its agency. Contact us to see how a relationship with D Custom can improve your digital marketing strategy.