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How We Stay Creative and Overcome Writer’s Block

How Our Team Stays Creative and Overcomes Writer's Block - D Custom

Whether you’re a marketer, journalist, painter, drummer, cobbler, comedian, puppeteer, fortune cookie writer ­— sometimes, the ideas just don’t flow. We fixate on our lack of inspiration and become even more stuck.

Hey, maybe you’re an eccentric recluse novelist who writes on your own schedule and revels in writer’s block — but for many (us included), the job depends on our ability to come up with the good stuff, and fast.

When the spark just isn’t sparking, here are tips from the D Custom team on how to overcome writer’s block.

Related: Speaking of staying creative, check out our tips for a better brainstorm.

Editorial Director

Typically, people get writer’s block for a variety of reasons: 1) They want the first sentence to be perfect, and that stops them in their tracks; 2) They are trying to be creative and technical simultaneously, causing a cognitive traffic jam as one side of the brain manages creativity, while the other side of the brain manages detail, among other things. Few people can do both at the same time. 3) They are uncomfortable with the subject they’re called to write.

If I must write something extremely technical, with the request to simplify that content into layman’s terms, I often resort to “See Jane run” types of sentences to get all my thoughts on paper. Then, I polish the narrative to flow smoothly and coherently.

Digital Media Strategist

To overcome writer’s block (or creative blocks of any kind), I find it helpful to take a moment to chat with a coworker about something completely unrelated to work. Not only does this improve company culture, but it can also transform into an unintentional mini-brainstorm. Seeing things from a different point of view can help spark inspiration in my work.

I also find that getting outside for a walk helps me overcome a creative block. This practice gives my brain a productive break from work tasks, and the fresh air helps refresh my mindset. When I sit back down at my desk, I typically have a new idea to add.

Managing Editor

When I’m feeling numb from the computer glow, I must get out and use my senses — wander through a park, admire the skyline from a new angle, hear the rustling of leaves, and feel the sun. Studies have shown that walking boosts creativity output by up to 60% and refreshes both mind and body, giving your brain a hard reset. Using the right song to manipulate your mood often works, too. It makes sense, anyway — writing is just as much about finding the rhythm as music is.

Vice President of Client Services

I find it helpful to connect what I’m trying to write to something I’m already familiar with. I try to liken the crux of my writing to a scenario in a movie, book, or song I know.

Another way I overcome writer’s block is by writing the last line first. Sometimes, we get stuck on how to start, so beginning with the end can make our goals clearer and help us get into a flow. If I’m really struggling, I will remind myself why I’m writing the piece and ask myself, “If the reader takes nothing else from this piece, what main idea or nugget do I want to make sure they walk away with?” Similarly, I think about what predisposed ideas the reader might have and what I want them to consider after reading the piece. These answers can help you pull out the structure you’re struggling to find.

Art Director

When I have writer’s block or any creative block, I like visiting design inspiration websites and exploring what other people are doing. Pinterest is great for design inspiration, as well as other websites, such as, and It helps spark ideas that relate to what I’m trying to create.

Oftentimes, I sketch to overcome creative blocks, so if I’m having trouble with a layout, I’ll put pen to paper to draw out ideas. I’ll also word-dump my thoughts on paper — anything that comes to mind, in no particular order. I usually either find a gem in the mix or can edit the ideas into something useful.

Editorial Intern

I overcome writer’s block by switching to administrative tasks to build a sense of productivity. Then, I can take that forward energy and write freely without too much self-criticism. At this stage, the goal is just to write a huge amount. Usually, when I do this, I’ll find a few sentences that I really like, and they can be enough to get me back into the flow.

Want to learn how to overcome writer’s block and more? Check out our website, and keep up with us on FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.