From trusted
advisor to
sense maker.
Online content has established its place in the purchase cycle. Buyers avoid salespeople until they’ve researched the market and players. They need to feel empowered to engage and commit and that will generally happen with those who have helped them along the way.
How to ensure a seat at the table
and negotiate based on value, not price.
Content’s role in the buyer journey
Complex sales cycles take months and involve dozens of buyers who research information online, talk to industry peers, and form consensus across internal teams. If you are not facilitating this process with content that helps them complete their buying tasks, then you may not be in the consideration set or you’re likely competing on price.
Selling beyond the front lines
As technology continues to transform our organizations, leaders from across the organization are having a bigger influence on partners and solution providers. Understanding their motivations and the business outcomes they are focused on can ensure alignment and support for your pending relationship.
Establishing your online presence
Most buyers can’t fully vet the product or service they are buying. They can, however, vet the people. They are looking for expertise, experience, and content that shows you thoroughly understand the challenges they are facing and buy into your approach to solving them.